Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What's next on tap?

During the kegging efforts, discussions on the next beer really got going, as well as us getting more into the mathematics of beer creation including expected IBU's, SRM (color), and expected ABV based upon the malt bill.

Brad and I have decided our next brew will be a crisp IPA. All of our beers to this point have been darker and maltier beers, so we figure it's time to jump into the hops world and get a golden IPA for our friends afraid of things with color. We have some great ideas to put a little bit of a twist on your typical IPA, and may even experiment a bit with some oak chips.

As a side note, ultimately for tasting purposes and brainstorming with friends, we will be serving our beers in black glasses (sommelier style) as so that people can't tell the color and pre-judge beer before it hits their palate. Once they decide if they like it or not... we'll look into some color.

Time to get interactive for the folks out there reading this! Feel free to throw out some ideas of what you think we should make in the comments section. Brad and I are brewing for us right now and brewing beers that we want to drink (which we will always do and is our main philosophy), but that said, we want to make sure they are what you want to drink too!

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