Sunday, May 17, 2009


Alright, the first batch... EVER!!!... is in the primary fermenter.   Brad and i understand it may suck ass, but you know what?  eventually it will be alcoholic, and we have nice enough friends that will drink it with us anyway... and if all else fails we'll ship it up to bryce and he'll make some sort of bbq sauce out of it.  

So, here's the deal;

2 oz black patent
1 lb crystal 40
topped off w/ chocolate to 1.5 lbs
1/4 lb coffee

willamette 1oz
cascade .5oz

6.6 lbs LME Briess Sparkling Amber
1 lb golden dme

hopped w/ 1/3 of hops during boil, another 1/3 during last 10 minutes with 1 lb maltodextrin and 2 pinches of irish moss

remainder of hops pitched with 11.5 grams of yeast 

let's just say none of that measuring was entirely scientific, today is the day we see if "magic" can happen.  I was talking with Will Shelton a few weeks ago and he told me himself making beer is half magic, and half sanitation.  Well, we sanitized the shit out of stuff, now lets see some magic happen!